Friday, December 4, 2009

The most well-known Rennaisance explorer is Chroistopher Columbus. He "discovered" America in 1492. He was born in Italy in 1451, he died in 1506. He believed the world was round, not flat, which was the popular belief of the time. Columbus sailed on the Santa Maria to America where he found America and residents who he called "Indians" because he believed he had discovered India. Fredinand Magellan went to offer his his services to the king of Spain in 1512. He was inspired by Columbus to prove that the Spice Islands were on the Spanish of the line of Demarcation between Spain and Portugal. In 1521 Magellan was killed in a fight between local natives while on the Spice Islands. Marco Polo was an explorer who slightly precede the Rennaisance era, but he was a great influence on the explorers of the Rennaisance era, such as Columbus. Sir Walter Raleigh was an explorer, but more than that he was a real Rennaisance man. In addition to being an explorer he was also an artistrocrat, writer, poet, soldier, courtier, and explorer. He was executed He was executed by beheading 1618. He funded his own voyage. He planned for colonation in the "Colony and Dominion of Virginia" ended in failure at Roanoke Island, but it paved the way for subsequent colonies.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Since the dawn of humanity the sound of music has exploded into the ears of the beings that inhabited this earth. Music has been found in some form or another in every culture since the begining of time. Prehistoric music, once called primitive,

Monday, September 28, 2009

This is a bone flute

Thursday, September 24, 2009

bone flute blog

The bone flute is very old instrument. It has been dated to about 35,000 years ago. It has five finger holes and a V shaped mouthpiece.

The Bone flute article

first blog

this is my first blog yo